Happy customers: The power of recommendations

That they talk about your brand, always well, is important. We tell you how to improve your customers' experience and, in the process, improve corporate reputation.

News and trends

Before delving into the topic, let’s put ourselves in context: according to recent studies, a dissatisfied customer will talk about their bad experience with a product or service to an average of 10 people. On the contrary, if he has had an excellent experienceit is very likely that he will recommend you within his circle of trust. The result? Greater impact on business relationships, sales and customer satisfaction. This fact has driven the popularity of customer well-being indicators such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS). 

Word of mouth in the digital age 

Times have changed, and traditional “word of mouth” has evolved. Now, a satisfied customer can make a lot of positive noise on social networks. For example, a simple tweet praising customer service can reach thousands of people in a matter of minutes. On the other hand, a complaint on a platform like Yelp, Google Maps, or social networks can deter hundreds of potential customers. This panorama indicates that we must take care of the customer experience in the most individualized way possible.  

Importance of customer service 

Excellent customer service goes beyond solving problems; It’s about preventing them. Some common mistakes, such as lack of staff during peak hours, or unintuitive customer service systems, can trigger a wave of negative comments that will make people hesitate before purchasing your product or service. 

Referral programs: loyal and happy customers 

Incorporating a referral program can be a very effective tactic to improve trust in your brand and increase awareness, but only if you already offer exceptional service. If your satisfied customers can be participants in your brand and make it known while obtaining benefits, you have the perfect recipe to generate a solid and loyal community. However, you must ensure that the program is not guided only by the commission it implies, but that your product really offers the best possible experience. 

The role of communication channels 

Did you know that 55% of users trust recommendations received through email more than through other communication channels? Here lies the importance of a solid and personalized marketing strategy, which includes post-sales monitoring and satisfaction surveys. Email communication is more effective as it is customizable and adaptable. 

Other relevant data on digital users: 

  1. Up to 72% of customers are not willing to buy an item online until they have read reviews or recommendations. 
  2. Recommendations from friends or trusted people multiply the chances of a purchase being made by four. 

Do you want to know other trends in digital marketing? Find all the content you are looking for about business and marketing on our blog!

Conclusions and recommendations to improve the customer experience

Don’t underestimate the power of a happy customer; They are your most loyal ambassadors. Invest in customer service training, implement well-structured referral programs, and choose your communication channels carefully. Remember, a genuine recommendation is worth its weight in gold and is an invaluable element in any marketing strategy. Having happy customers is not only a satisfaction metric, but also a long-term business strategy.  

If you liked this article, don’t miss the role of digital transformation in the customer experience.  

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