10 Steps to Make a Social Media Calendar

Stop publishing without a strategy, it's time to achieve your online marketing goals.

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There is no doubt that social networks today mean a shuttle for brands and companies to the world, with no limits to their visibility and reach, as long as they know how to use them in the right way and take advantage of all the opportunities they offer. Corporations are increasingly aware of the importance of working on their digital communication, however, the best way to use them effectively is to leave them in the hands of a digital marketing and social media professional since they will know how to design and execute the most suitable strategies for the set objectives.

In this post, we will talk about the corporate use of this fascinating digital communication channel and, especially, the social media editorial calendar, a fundamental pillar of the social media plan. Keep reading and learn how to make your own!

What is the social media calendar and why is it so important?

In an increasingly competitive and saturated digital environment, refining the strategy is essential to distinguish ourselves from the rest and, to a large extent, this differentiation begins with content planning. Once the social media expert knows the brand in depth, the market in which it operates, the target audience it addresses, the company’s objectives and the brand values, they would be prepared to generate the best content.

But, not only will it be enough to choose and design the content, but its scheduling and distribution across the different profiles will be essential for the content strategy to have the desired success. This is where the importance of the social media editorial calendar comes into play. Knowing where and when to publish certain information will be key to attracting the public’s attention.

For example: imagine that you work as a social media manager for a vegan beauty products brand; Your mission will be to be up to date within the framework of cosmetics that respect the environment and animals, which will involve knowing products, the new regulations in this regard and the profile of the potential audience. You should try to publish the news before the competition and attack the weak points that are present, which can be, from lack of investment in advertising to uncreative content, etc.

Before creating social media content, follow these preliminary steps

To make an effective social media calendar, you must first attend to the following points.

Set goals and audience

Clearly define the objectives of your presence on social networks. Are you looking to increase the visibility of your brand, generate leads, promote products or services, or interact with your audience? Knowing your goals will help you structure relevant content.

Identify your target audience

Understanding who your followers are will allow you to adapt the tone, style and content of your posts to meet their needs and interests.

Know your platforms and relevant content

Research the social platforms where you are present. Each social network has its format and audience, so it is essential to adapt the content to each platform (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).

Analyze what type of content has performed best in the past

Examine metrics and statistics to identify trends and preferences of your audience. This will help you plan future posts more effectively.

Define themes and publication frequency

Establish the key topics that you will address in your publications. This ensures variety and relevance in your content, as well as maintaining the interest of your audience.

Define the publication frequency

Decide how many posts you will make per week and on which specific days. Maintaining consistency in frequency helps build an engaged audience.

10 Tips to create a social media calendar

Creating a social media calendar involves careful planning to ensure the consistency and relevance of your posts. Check out some steps to carry out this process!

Audit of existing content

  • Review your current content on social networks. Identify posts that have performed well and those that have not generated much interaction.
  • Analyze metrics to understand what type of content resonates best with your audience.

Set monthly/quarterly goals

  • Define the specific objectives you want to achieve in a certain period. They can include increasing engagement, gaining followers, promoting events or products, etc.
  • These goals will help you shape your strategy and determine the focus of your content.

Identify themes and content categories

  • Based on your audience’s interests and your goals, identify the key topics and content categories you will address.
  • Assign different themes to specific days of the week to maintain variety.

Monthly/quarterly calendar

  • Use a planning tool like a spreadsheet, specialized apps, or built-in features on social media platforms to create a calendar.
  • Assign specific dates and times for your posts. Be sure to consider the posting frequency you have previously established.

Content creation

  • Develop content in advance. You can include images, videos, links, and copy for each post.
  • Make sure that the content is aligned with the assigned theme for each day and that it meets the established objectives.

Post scheduling

  • Use social media scheduling tools to schedule your posts. This allows you to maintain an active presence without the need to manually post in real time.
  • Adjust your schedule based on relevant events, current news, or changes to your strategy.

Continuous monitoring and analysis

  • Continuously track the performance of your posts. Analyze the metrics of each post and adjust your strategy based on the results.
  • Stay tuned for comments and messages to actively engage with your audience.

Did you find this post about content management on social networks interesting? Would you like to know more about how to take your brand to the next level in the digital world? Subscribe to Educa.Pro and discover all the news!

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