Influence marketing: the key is trust

Social networks have increased in popularity and brands take advantage of them to do influence marketing on these platforms. Read more!

Career development

Have you ever started following someone on social media and found yourself interested in the products or services they promote? Does that person generate enough trust in you to buy what they recommend? That’s the power of influencer marketing. In the digital age, influencers have become a key piece for brands seeking to connect with their audience in a more personal and direct way.  

Of course, it is important to know from now on that, although social networks insist on saying otherwise, influence marketing goes beyond numbers and reach. It’s about creating quality connections with customers, building trust, conveying authenticity in what is said, and being consistent with real lifestyles and values. 

Are you interested in this topic? Then keep reading because in this post we tell you everything about influencer marketing

Emotion, brand awareness and loyalty as the basis of influence marketing 

Influence marketing is a digital marketing strategy that consists of collaborating with opinion leaders, commonly known as influencers, to communicate, persuade and excite audiences.  

Influencers, whether virtual or real, use their reach and credibility to promote products or services through their social networks and other digital platforms. Meanwhile, brands are seeking to establish medium and long-term collaborations with these influencers, with whom they must have common values.  

Thus, brands connect more naturally and spontaneously with their target audience, achieving an emotional resonance that drives not only brand awareness, but also loyalty and conversions

Benefits of influencer marketing 

Up to this point, we have given you some clues about the benefits that influencer marketing has for brands. Below, we provide other details. 

Increased visibility and reach 

By partnering with influencers who already have an established and engaged audience, brands can expand their visibility and reach new market segments effectively. 

Credibility and trust 

Influencers are often perceived as experts in their niches or areas of interest. By recommending products or services, they can build trust and credibility among their followers, which in turn increases their willingness to try the recommended products.  

In this sense, both brands and influencers must be committed to always telling the truth about what they promote, since their content reaches many people at the same time, so they have responsibility for what they say. 

Authentic and relevant content 

Influencers are skilled at creating content that resonates with their audience. By collaborating with them, brands can source authentic and relevant content that fits the tone and style of the influencer, resulting in a greater emotional connection with the audience. 

Improved engagement and interaction 

Due to the close relationship that influencers maintain with their followers, influence marketing campaigns usually generate high levels of engagement and interaction. This can translate into an increase in conversions and brand loyalty from consumers. 

Precise segmentation and differentiation 

Influencers often have very specific and well-defined audiences. This allows brands to segment their target audience more precisely and target specific niches within their market. Additionally, choosing an influencer that fits the age and interests of the audience can make a difference in such a saturated market. 

What to look for when choosing an influencer for a campaign? 

The popularity of social networks has prompted many people to take a leap in their professional career and become content creators. These influencers can be classified according to the social network in which they specialize or the topic they work on most. Furthermore, in terms of metrics they can be divided into:  

  • Nano influencers: They have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. They are known for having a high engagement rate with a very niche or localized community. 
  • Micro influencers: they have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers. They are often considered experts in a specific area. 
  • Macro influencers: They have followers in the range of 100,000 to 1 million. They have a wide reach and are recognized in their field. 
  • Mega influencers: They have more than 1 million followers and are well-known figures, often celebrities or public figures. 

In addition to the number of followers and organic reach, it is also important to look at other issues: 

  • Interactions and engagement: it is important to analyze the quantity and quality of the interactions that the influencer generates in their publications. Engagement can be measured through likes, comments, shares and other forms of interaction with the content. 
  • Audience demographic profile: Knowing the demographic makeup of the influencer’s followers (age, gender, location, interests) is crucial to determining if their audience matches the brand’s target audience. 
  • Influencer reputation and specialization: It is important to take a look at the influencer’s digital footprint. Have you created content before on the same topic? What has been the response from the audience? In addition, it is necessary to verify that the influencer has knowledge about the topic to be discussed. 

Influencer marketing strategies 

Finally, we share with you some key strategies used to influence marketing. Take note! 

  • Identifying influencers: The first step is to identify influencers who are relevant to the brand and have an audience aligned with the target audience. This may involve evaluating factors such as audience size, engagement, topical affinity, and influencer authenticity. 
  • Establishing clear objectives: before starting a collaboration with an influencer, it is important to clearly define the objectives of the campaign. This could include increasing brand visibility, generating leads, increasing sales, or improving brand perception. 
  • Development of authentic relationships: as we told you, the success of influencer marketing depends largely on the authenticity of the collaborations.  
  • Selecting suitable content formats: Influencers can create a variety of content, including social media posts, videos, blogs or podcasts. It is important to select the content format that best suits the brand’s message and target audience. 
  • Tracking and measuring results: Once an influencer marketing campaign has been launched, it is crucial to track and measure the results to evaluate its effectiveness. This can include metrics such as reach, engagement, conversions, and return on investment (ROI). 
  • Long-term collaborations: Instead of one-off campaigns, some brands choose to establish long-term relationships with influencers. This can help build a stronger, longer-lasting partnership, as well as maintain consistency in brand communication over time. 

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