How to organize an effective work meeting

Stop wasting effective work time with unproductive meetings! Learn with us how to organize efficient meetings.

Career development

Surely you have also attended long business meetings in which time did not seem to pass, or meetings in which you want to cover too much and, in the end, no conclusion is reached, right? Well, these are some of the most common mistakes that make many of these meetings end up being a waste of time for everyone; But, the good news is that, if we know how to correctly organize and plan a work meeting, this can be an ideal tool to exchange ideas, define new strategies and reorient teams in a coordinated manner.

If you lead teams and want to learn how to define the timing and content of an effective work meeting, don’t miss this post. Welcome!

What is a business meeting and what is not?

A company meeting is a specific event that is held with a specific objective. It may be to inform workers of some important corporate news, establish new workflows or methodologies, stipulate new goals or distribute tasks, among others, but there must always be an objective behind a meeting.

On the contrary, we cannot consider a formal work meeting any meeting in which various topics are discussed, without a specific orientation with a predetermined outline of the topics to be discussed, since, in this way, it will not make sense. some take away from effective work time.

On the other hand, there are teambuilding events, such as afterworks, company dinners or other events, but they are not considered work meetings, since they do not discuss topics that share any of the business objectives.

Itinerary to prepare an effective work meeting

  1. Define the purpose of the meeting

Clearly determine the reason for the meeting and the objectives to be achieved.
As we said before, make sure the meeting is necessary

  1. Select the participants

Invite only those people who are necessary to achieve the meeting’s objectives and avoid overcrowding attendees, as this can make it difficult to make effective decisions.

  1. Set an agenda

Create a detailed agenda that includes the topics to be discussed, the time assigned to each point and the names of those responsible for each topic. Also, distribute the agenda in advance so that participants can prepare.

  1. Choose a suitable time and place

Select a date and time convenient for all participants and choose a meeting location that is adequately equipped.

  1. Prepare materials and resources

Make sure you have all necessary materials, presentations or documents ready before the meeting. This includes projectors, whiteboards, video conferencing devices, etc.

  1. Facilitates participation

Encourage participants to actively contribute to the conversation and contribute their ideas. Establish rules to maintain order and avoid interruptions.

  1. Make sure the agenda and times are respected

Keep the meeting focused on the agenda and ensure that the times assigned to each point are met. This way, you will avoid deviations and unrelated conversations.

  1. Take notes and record decisions

Designate someone to take notes during the meeting, record decisions and assigned responsibilities. At the end of the meeting, these notes should be shared with the rest of the participants.

  1. Promotes decision making

When necessary, guide participants to reach clear, actionable decisions. Establish deadlines and those responsible for monitoring the decisions made.

  1. evaluate the meeting

At the end of the meeting, conduct a brief evaluation to gather feedback from participants, and use this feedback to improve future meetings.

  1. Distribute minutes and actions

Send a summary of minutes, decisions made, and actions assigned to all participants after the meeting. This will help keep everyone informed and accountable.

  1. Post follow-up

Follow up on actions agreed upon in the meeting to ensure they are being implemented.

What is the most important thing in a meeting?

We hope this post will help you organize your next meetings. Furthermore, we want to highlight that the most important thing about a meeting is clarity of purpose so that the meeting revolves around it. This objective must be achievable and measurable, so that, when monitoring and assessment is carried out, it can be identified whether the actions carried out have been useful enough to continue or pivot.

On the other hand, it is essential to encourage the active participation of attendees and urge them to be prepared with their own material and notes so that they can contribute their ideas in a concise way, which has a lot to do with effective communication and listening. active, fundamental in any corporation. We must also not forget to follow the pre-established agendas and maintain the time allocated for each discussion point so that the meetings do not take more time than expected and thus encourage decision-making and assignment of responsibilities.

We have to try to make the meeting a springboard for action, so that, finally, it turns into tangible results.

Do you want to know more about team management, newer strategies and more disruptive changes in the business environment? Stay reading the Educa.Pro blog with us!

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