After-work events: the best tool to promote “good vibes” at work

Are you coming to an afterwork? In this post we explain how to organise one and everything you can get out of it.

Career development

Do you remember the last post in which we talked about team building? Well, the after-work event is one of the most recurring team-building actions and one that is best received among employees. As its name suggests after-work, it means after work, and that’s when the magic of team building happens. This activity has a fun and socializing character, not much is required of the workers, just that they relax and disconnect from their obligations spending a pleasant time with colleagues.

Have you ever been to an after-work event or would you like to organize one? In this post, we will see some examples. Keep reading!

What is an after-work event?

The after-work concept comes from the Anglo-Saxon culture, from the City of London exactly, where, after an intense day of work, the employees of the surrounding offices, met in the typical English pubs to release tension with a good pint.

Currently, this custom has spread to the rest of the world and after-work events are understood as any teambuilding activity that is done right after work, which, in general, is usually sharing an aperitif or doing some simple activity. The idea is that employees interact, get to know each other and have fun. The best thing about after-work events is discovering new affinities that you have every day by your side, but that, due to the load of tasks or the stress of the day, you had not realized.

Although after-work events are planned, true relationships emerge from them that end up leaving the office. Do you want to know how to organize a corporate event of these characteristics? Keep reading!

How to organize a successful after-work event?

For an after-work event to be as successful as you expect, you must first define your objectives: that a minimum number of people attend, that the feedback be positive, that new interactions arise, the type of activity that will be carried out, that some corporate news be communicated and that the people welcome it with a good predisposition… that is, before preparing the activity, think about what you want to do it for.

Once you have this clear, follow these steps so that you do not miss any detail:

  • Select the right date and time: Pick a slot on the calendar that is optimal for the majority of the participants. Ideally, it should be right after the working day, so that there is no waiting and people do not go home, because later it will be more difficult to move them to another point.
  • Choose the place: choose an appropriate place, such as a bar, restaurant or terrace near the workplace. Make sure there is enough space to accommodate all the guests.
  • Clear Invitations – Send out invitations well in advance and make sure they include all the necessary details, such as the date, time, location, and purpose of the event.
  • Relaxed atmosphere: make sure that the place has a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere so that the participants can enjoy a good time.
  • Provide entertainment options – Consider background music, games, or fun activities to keep the atmosphere lively and fun.
  • Drinks and Appetizers: Be sure to offer a variety of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and a few appetizers or snacks for attendees to enjoy while chatting.
  • Facilitate interaction: if it is a large group, organize tables or areas where participants can interact more comfortably and fluently. Try to keep sites dynamic and people don’t get stuck in just one area. For example, making a cocktail, you will avoid this.
  • Encourage participation – You can prepare some games or activities to break the ice and encourage people to participate. Do not forget that the interaction between the attendees is the main objective.
  • Thank the attendees – At the end of the event, thank everyone for coming and appreciate the time you have spent together.

What advantages will it have for the staff to carry out after-work events periodically?

Fostering the connection between the work team will always have positive effects, but it is something that requires perseverance and patience, since personal relationships do not develop in a single day. Therefore, if you are thinking of doing team building actions, it is best to design a schedule to do them in a row and periodically to see results like these:

  • Strengthening interpersonal relationships: these informal meetings allow employees to get to know each other better, which helps build stronger relationships and promotes effective communication between them.
  • Increased camaraderie – By spending time together outside of work, employees develop a sense of camaraderie and team membership. This can improve collaboration and cooperation in the workplace.
  • Reduction of work stress: after-work events offer the opportunity to disconnect from work and release tension. This helps reduce stress and anxiety related to the workday.
  • Stimulation of creativity and innovation: by promoting a more relaxed environment conducive to interaction, employees can share ideas more openly, which can lead to new proposals and innovative solutions.
  • Increased motivation: knowing that there are moments of leisure and conviviality after work can be an incentive for employees to feel more motivated and committed to their work.
  • Talent retention: a pleasant work environment and a cohesive team are factors that contribute to retaining talented employees in the company, since they will feel valued and more satisfied with their work environment.
  • Development of social skills: afterword events allow employees to develop their social skills, such as empathy, effective communication and the ability to work in a team.
  • Celebrating Achievements and Successes – These events can be an occasion to celebrate team accomplishments, recognize a job well done, and motivate employees to keep trying.

Did you find it interesting to carry out after-work events as a tool for building teams and promoting a good work environment? Subscribe to Educa.Pro and learn much more about human resources and professional growth!

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