Release 2 – Onboarding Release

17 April 2023

This release will help human resources take the onboarding experience to the next level.

Create onboarding learning paths

The possibility of creating dedicated learning paths for onboarding is a welcoming and orientation tool that allows for faster and more effective integration of newcomers, ensuring that they become familiar with the company’s culture, values and processes. In addition, structured onboarding facilitates the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge needed to successfully perform assigned roles, resulting in increased productivity and reduced adaptation time. By providing clear guidance, onboarding learning paths help generate a sense of belonging and commitment from employees, contributing to a greater talent retention and overall team building.

Assign learning paths to users

Admins can now assign learning paths to specific users and choose to set a deadline for completion. Users receive a mail with the assignment information.

Deactivated users

When an account is deactivated, the user can no longer access courses or learning paths, but they can still browse the course catalogue. Admins can reactivate accounts as needed, and the user’s progress will be restored. However, admins won’t be able to see insights for deactivated users.

Additional improvements

Users can view and edit their own profile information, and user status labels in the “manage users” page provide more descriptive information.