The most effective types of advertising campaigns

Designing a campaign is much more than knowing what you want to say, it also consists of choosing the typology in accordance with the objectives set.

News and trends

What makes an effective advertising campaign? That is, what factors influence whether a message reaches the audience we want, that it is understandable, that it is remembered and that it is persuasive enough to awaken some type of reaction in the public? The truth is that this is not simple, but the type of advertising campaign chosen to address each commercial objective has a lot to do with it.

If you work in the field of marketing and communication, don’t miss this post, because we will summarize the types of advertising campaigns you can use and which is most suitable for each type of business objective. Let’s start!

Before designing your advertising strategy, stop and think…

What audience are you targeting? What purpose is intended to be achieved with the available budget? What channels will communication be focused on? What physical and digital resources do you have? Are we targeting local, national or international? In what phase of the life cycle is the product or service that we are going to advertise? All these questions are very important when choosing the type of advertising campaign that we are going to work on.  

Let’s see below the types of advertising campaigns according to the nature of the product!

But before we start… remember: not all products lend themselves to creating any content nor do all brands have to be on all channels. Additionally, it is important to think about whether you are going to base it on the product life cycle or the type of the product. For example:

If the product is in its maturity phase, we will have to try to reinvent ourselves, innovate, and reactivate it. New attributes can be added and communicated as novelty or added value, to awaken the interest of those who have not tried it yet or to make those who already know it repeat the purchase.

If what you want is to highlight the qualities of the type of product, the communication should focus on the differential benefit of the product, on the public’s opinions and on the advantages that its use has over the competition, without mentioning specific brands, of course.

In short, always look for quality and efficiency in your marketing actions.

Propaganda campaigns

Propaganda campaigns are communication strategies that are carried out with the aim of influencing the opinion, attitudes and behaviours of a specific audience. Therefore, when we talk about propaganda, we generally refer to the field of politics or organizations with some purpose outside of sales.

In this type of campaign, the message usually appeals to emotions and is very direct. For example: a problem is posed and the consequences of not taking a position. Persuading, informing or misinforming and mobilizing are the key objectives.

Social awareness campaigns

This type of campaign is widely used by organizations with solidarity purposes. They are similar to propaganda campaigns, with the difference that they seek the common good or the fight for a just cause, instead of benefiting the organization, regardless of its purpose. For example: a political party advertises to gain followers for its formation, while an NGO aims to get people’s attention so that they participate in some way for the benefit of third parties.

Communication for institutions or corporate

When we talk about institutional or corporate communication, the direct purpose is not sales or capturing leads, but rather promoting the image of the company and improving its reputation, which, indirectly, will have an impact on other types of objectives.

Some purposes of these campaigns are: to convey the brand values ​​to the public to connect with them on an emotional level, foster loyalty and promote trust or transparency.

For example, institutional communication campaigns are carried out when there is a reputation crisis, although they must constantly work to strengthen the brand image and prevent the damage that the emergence of said crises may cause.  

Communication strategies for industries or B2B

Communication strategies for industries or B2B (business-to-business) refer to communication strategies designed for companies that relate to each other, instead of addressing the end consumer.

Its objectives focus on doing business with entities in the sector and generating loyalty with large companies to which it supplies periodically. For example, it is common to offer services for which prior training or updates are required. In this way, it is guaranteed that the business relationship lasts.

What is cobranding?

This marketing strategy, in which two or more brands partner to collaborate on the launch of a joint product, service or campaign, seeks mutual benefit. It consists of combining the resources and image of two companies in order to create added value for consumers.

When a cobranding action is carried out, the strengths of both brands are taken advantage of and feedback is provided by visibility. In addition, you access a new target audience and improve your reputation.

Difference between sponsorship and patronage

Although, both in sponsorship and patronage, there is support from external companies to carry out an action, the difference is that patronage is always aimed at promoting initiatives of a solidarity or social nature, such as, for example, donating resources to carry out a charity race. For its part, sponsorship consists of financially helping another company with which brand values ​​are shared, in order to improve reputation and visibility. Thus, the objective of both strategies would be to strengthen the brand image.

Expectation or teaser campaign

These campaigns resort to curiosity and surprise; and are almost always used in the launch of new products. For example, in the film industry, we will see that these campaigns are very recurring for the release of blockbusters. It can also be very useful to relaunch a product or to announce improvements and new features.

This type of strategy usually works very well combined with Street marketing actions and in traditional media, such as radio or television.

Advertising generation

When a company manages to generate news that is relevant enough to the social environment to be disseminated in the media, it is advertising. The companies involved in this news do not pay anything for this dissemination, making it a very effective way of communicating abroad. The disadvantage of this type of action is that you cannot demand from the medium in question what to say or how to say it.

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