Main points of the Occupational Risk Prevention Law

Get up to date on ORP matters and discover its importance for company culture.

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Safety in the work environment is a crucial aspect for any company, as it seeks to safeguard the physical and mental integrity of employees. To guarantee the well-being of people, there are laws that have evolved over the years, according to new needs, as well as innovative tools that prevent and minimize risks depending on the sector.

The prevention of occupational risks, like all aspects that protect workers, has been defined as a professional area through negotiations and as companies have modernized in terms of human resources. For example, a very important milestone for the PRL was the creation of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1919, which promoted labour standards and worker protection worldwide. Would you like to know more about this field and know the fundamental points of the current Occupational Risk Prevention Law? Keep reading!

Introduction to the Risk Prevention Law: foundations and objectives

The incorporation of specific laws and regulations in different countries has contributed to strengthening prevention and well-being in the work environment. In each country in the world, there is a different conception of occupational risks, which depends, among many factors, on the culture and the level of economic and industrial development in which the society finds itself. In this post, we will focus on Spain and its latest update of the Occupational Risk Prevention Law.

What are the foundations and objectives of the ORP Law?

  • Promote the safety and health of workers: the law aims to promote the safety and health of workers, establishing general principles such as the prevention of professional risks and the elimination or reduction of risks derived from work.
  • Information, consultation and training: this law also establishes the obligation to inform, consult and train workers in preventive matters.
  • Right to protection against occupational risks: workers have the right to effective protection in terms of safety and health at work.
  • Occupational risk prevention plan: Occupational risk prevention must be integrated into the company’s general management system through the implementation and application of an occupational risk prevention plan.

What does Article 21 of the Risk Prevention Law say?

We want to emphasize Article 21 of the Occupational Risk Prevention Law, because it focuses on the protection of workers who work in the most dangerous environments. Let’s know its fundamental points!

  • Information to workers: when workers are or may be exposed to a serious and imminent risk, the employer is obliged to inform all affected workers as soon as possible about the existence of said risk and the measures adopted or that, in where appropriate, must be adopted in terms of protection1.
  • Interruption of activity: the employer must take the measures and give the necessary instructions so that, in the event of serious, imminent and unavoidable danger, workers can interrupt their activity and, if necessary, immediately leave the workplace.
  • Right to interrupt activity: the worker has the right to interrupt his activity and leave the workplace, if necessary when he considers that said activity entails a serious and imminent risk to his life or health.
  • Stoppage of the activity: if the employer does not adopt or does not allow the adoption of the necessary measures to guarantee the safety and health of the workers, their legal representatives may agree, by a majority of its members, to stop the activity of the company. workers affected by said risk.
  • Protection of workers: workers or their representatives may not suffer any harm resulting from the adoption of the measures referred to in the previous sections unless they have acted in bad faith or committed serious negligence.

What requirements and obligations established by the Risk Prevention Law must employees and contractors comply with?

For health and safety to be effective in the workplace, the Occupational Risk Prevention Law in Spain establishes a series of requirements and obligations that both employees and contractors must comply with.

Employees must comply with the specific obligations of their job, respect the safety and hygiene measures adopted and execute the orders and instructions of their superiors. For their part, managers have the responsibility of guaranteeing safety and health at work, providing information and training to workers, and developing an occupational risk prevention plan.

In short, for the entire mechanism that supports the prevention of occupational risks, it is essential that everyone respect the standards established by law and work together to promote a company culture that prioritizes safety and health at work.

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