Look at this cover letter template and learn how to create your own

Do you want to stand out among the hundreds of resumes that arrive at a company? Add a cover letter so they can get to know you better.

Employment resources

If you have been actively searching for a job recently, you will have seen how hand-held resumes are no longer accepted in any company. This is due to the data protection law, which obliges organizations to inform the candidate, immediately after delivering it, of all the information related to data processing, and this is much more operational to do through a digital platform. And you may wonder: why are we explaining this to you in a post about cover letter models? Because in digitalized selection processes, competition multiplies exponentially and competitors emerge from any corner of the world. That is, if you want to stand out and add value to your resume, you will have to offer something more to get that first interview., such as, for example, a cover letter.

Do you want to know how to make one? Well, continue reading this post where we develop the template of a cover letter model that you can customize according to your needs.

What is a cover letter for?

A cover letter is used to express your reasons, interests and motivations for applying for a job, an academic program, a scholarship or any other opportunity. The objective of this letter is to let recruiters know about your other facets other than academic ones.

And also….

Highlight your qualities and skills: highlight your relevant skills and achievements that make you an ideal candidate for the position or opportunity.

Show your interest: This gives you the opportunity to explain why you are interested in the opportunity and how it fits with your professional or academic goals.

Customize your application: it must be adapted to the specific position for which you are applying, demonstrating your commitment and knowledge of it.

Explain gaps in your resume: If you have gaps in your work or academic history, the cover letter allows you to address them in a positive way.

Highlight your personality and values: You can share your values, goals, and passion, which helps evaluators get to know your personality and determine if you fit into the organization or institution.

Distinguish yourself from other candidates: A well-written cover letter can make a difference in a competitive process, allowing your voice and personality to stand out beyond your resume.

How to make a cover letter in 10 steps?

1. Header and personal data

Start the letter with your name and other personal information at the top right.

Then, enter the date you are writing the letter.

2. Greeting

Address the recipient of the letter. If possible, find out the name of the person who will receive your request and use it in your greeting. For example, “Dear Mr. Pérez” or “Dear Admissions Committee.”

3. Introduction

In the first part of the letter, state the reason for your writing and mention the position or opportunity for which you are applying.

Briefly explain how you learned about the opportunity and why you are interested.

4. Motivation and objectives

Spend a paragraph or two explaining your motivations for applying for the position or opportunity.

Highlight your professional or academic goals and how they fit with what the opportunity offers.

5. Experience and skills

Highlight your past experiences, achievements and skills that make you a suitable candidate.

Connect your experience with the requirements or qualities that the position or opportunity requires.

6. Fit with the organization or institution

Show that you have researched the organization or institution and mention why you would like to be part of it.

Highlight how your values ​​and objectives align with those of the entity.

7. Closing and farewell

End the cover letter by expressing your interest in an interview or an opportunity to discuss your application further.

Use a formal farewell, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

Leave space for your signature.

8. Signature and contact information

Sign your letter handwritten if you are sending it in printed format.

If you’re sending the letter by email or online, simply write your name below the farewell.

9. Review and correction

Carefully review your letter for grammatical, spelling, and style errors. Make sure the letter is concise and clear, avoiding unnecessary repetitions.

10. Format and presentation

Use a clean, professional format for your letter, with adequate margins and an easy-to-read font.

Add headings and spacing for easier reading.

What tone should we maintain when writing a cover letter?

When we prepare to write a cover letter, it is essential to maintain a professional tone, but also personal, positive and enthusiastic. You should convey confidence in your abilities and your interest in the position or opportunity for which you are applying but also show humility and gratitude for the consideration of your application.

It is important to avoid an arrogant or presumptuous tone, but do not forget to highlight your achievements and experiences in a modest way and focus on how you can contribute to the success of the organization or institution. Also, make sure your tone is clear and concise, avoiding the use of unnecessary jargon or informal expressions that are not appropriate for the context.

Additionally, you cannot forget to personalize the letter for the company you are applying to, for example: mentioning it, adding the logo or layout it with the corporate colors.

If you want to know more about how to stand out among competitors and position yourself in the labour market, subscribe to Educa.Pro, experts in the development of digital capabilities and digital transformation.

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