10 Steps to solve a conflict in the work environment

Having different points of view on the team can be very stimulating, learn how to successfully resolve differences in this post!

Employment resources

Just as in a family, in a group of friends, in a community of neighbours or in any type of organization, conflicts arise, in the business environment as well, and this is something intrinsic to the dynamics of any group of people who have equal or different objectives. Coexisting together in the company generates bonds of unity, but also controversies that must be resolved in the best possible way, not only in favour of the business interest but also of the worker. As you can imagine, this is not an easy task, but that is why there are different strategies and professional profiles who are experts in resolving conflicts at the workplace level.

In this post we are going to see what are the most common disputes that occur in a company, why they arise and the steps to solve them. Keep reading if you also want to improve the atmosphere in your work environment!

Conflicts in work environments: inevitable but necessary

Labour conflicts are inevitable when we talk about relationships in the workplace, but what can be avoided is that they generate ruptures between workers, unfair dismissals, complaints and other negative outcomes for both employees and management.

These tensions are generated by a multiplicity of factors that reflect concerns and challenges within organizations and can arise due to differences in the interpretation of contracts, working conditions, misunderstandings, competition between employees, and disagreements in decision-making, among others. reasons. In addition, changes in the work environment, such as technological transformations, economic fluctuations and changes in labour demand, can also contribute to shaking the calm within organizations.

On the other hand, it must be emphasized that quarrels in the company are as inevitable as they are necessary, since, when they arise, it is because there are several thinking minds working, contributing ideas or fighting to improve certain aspects. In the end, a dormant workforce will only lead to stagnation, lack of innovation and low competitiveness. On the contrary, if everyone assumes their responsibility to row towards a common goal, even if there are certain differences and always reaching consensus, goals beyond those expected will be achieved.

What are the steps to follow to solve a conflict at work?

As we have explained previously, the emergence of gaps in opinions is not a bad thing as long as the intention is to reach a common point that benefits the majority of the parties. To do this, you can follow the following steps or strategies:

Conflict identification: Recognize and clearly define the conflict. This involves understanding the parties involved, the differences in their perspectives, and the issues in dispute.

Open communication: encourages communication between the parties involved. Encourage those involved to express their concerns and points of view honestly and respectfully.

Active listening: Listen carefully to both parties to understand their needs, interests, and emotions. This helps establish empathy and identify possible solutions.

Appointing a mediator: In more complex cases or when the parties cannot reach an agreement on their own, an impartial mediator can help facilitate the conversation and guide the resolution process.

Identification of common interests: Helps parties identify interests they share that can be the basis of a mutually beneficial solution. This may include improving communication, setting clear expectations, or resolving specific issues.

Option Generation: Encourages parties to propose possible solutions. The more alternatives are considered, the greater the probability of finding a suitable solution.

Evaluating options: Together, evaluate the proposed options based on their feasibility, impact, and acceptability for both parties.

Mutual agreement: Once an agreement has been reached, make sure it is well documented, including commitments and next steps. Both parties must sign the agreement if necessary.

Implementation and monitoring: Ensures that the agreement is put into practice and follows up to verify that agreed commitments are met. If problems arise, address concerns immediately.

Evaluation and feedback: After some time, review the agreement and obtain feedback from the parties involved to ensure that the conflict has been resolved satisfactorily and is not brewing again.

Would you like to work as a conflict mediator in the company?

Whenever disputes arise in the work environment, attempts should be made to resolve them internally, only with those affected and without extrapolating them to the rest of the workforce, since, in this way, the problem will be limited. To this end, in the business field, the professional in charge of resolving conflicts is known as a “mediator” or “conflict resolution facilitator”, a legal profile knowledgeable in labour law, whose mission is to resolve the dispute by extrajudicial means. This expert is trained to help the parties involved communicate, understand their differences, identify solutions and reach mutually acceptable agreements. His main objective is to restore harmony in the work environment and prevent conflicts from negatively affecting the company.

And you? Would you like to master this area to be the one who leads the course in conflict resolution? Subscribe to Educa.Pro and discover all the content with which you can learn in-depth the ins and outs of the business world!

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