The power of digital detox

Learn to disconnect from technology and improve your health with a digital detox. We give you 6 tips to achieve it in this post.

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Do you spend many hours a day in front of a screen? Do you feel anxious or bored if you don’t check your phone every so often? Do you feel that when you disconnect from social networks you are missing something important? If you answered yes to any of these questions, perhaps you should consider doing a digital detox

The definition of digital detox 

Digital detox or digital detox consists of reducing or eliminating electronic devices for a certain time. The objective is, ultimately, to free oneself from technological dependence and reconnect with reality, with oneself and with others. At this point, we highlight something important: digital detox does not mean completely giving up technology, but rather using it consciously, responsibly and productively.  

Possible consequences of excessive use of technologies 

Using technology compulsively can have psychological consequences such as stress, anxiety, isolation or lack of concentration. Below, we summarize the possible negative consequences of excessive use of technologies: 

  • Being constantly connected can generate a feeling of pressure, fear of missing out, of responding to all messages, of comparing yourself to others. Did you know that this situation can cause an increase in cortisol levels? This is the stress hormone, which affects the nervous system, immune system and mood. 
  • Using screens before bed can disrupt your circadian rhythm, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle. The consequences are noticeable in signs such as insomnia, daytime sleepiness, lack of energy and memory and attention problems. 
  • Prolonged exposure to screens can cause dry eyes, irritation, headache, blurred vision, or nearsightedness. 
  • It can cause poor body posture and lead to back, neck, shoulder, arm or hand pain.  
  • Excessive use of technology can reduce real contact with other people. In addition, it influences the development of social skills such as communication, empathy or conflict resolution. 

6 tips to put digital detox into practice 

To put digital detox into practice, you can follow these tips: 

  • Deactivate push notifications: You probably frequently receive notifications that make you look at your mobile phone and disconnect from the activity you are doing. Avoid interrupting your concentration or free time with constant messages or alerts. 
  • Limit access to social media:  Consider setting time limits for social media use. You can use apps or features built into your devices to help you monitor and control the time you spend on these platforms. This will help you reduce constant exposure to screens and encourage digital rest time. 
  • Leave only the essential applications: Delete or uninstall the applications that you do not need or that cause distraction or anxiety. Apps like countdowns or those that constantly send you notifications can be a big distraction. 
  • Create technology-free spaces: Establish areas in your home where the use of electronic devices is prohibited during certain times of the day, such as meals or before bed. This will encourage a more conscious coexistence and help you disconnect. 
  • Practice outdoor activities: go for a walk, practice yoga, apply mindfulness techniques or read a book in a park or simply enjoy nature. These activities will allow you to distract yourself and reduce your dependence on digital devices. 
  • Prioritize human contact: Spend time interacting face-to-face with family and friends instead of communicating solely through electronic devices. Organize social activities to strengthen bonds and encourage interpersonal communication

Benefits of practising digital detox 

Therefore, if you feel anxiety or stress due to excessive use of technology, you need a break. These are some of the benefits of digital detox. Do you dare? 

  • It reduces stress, anxiety, insomnia and physical problems associated with excessive use of technology, improving mood, self-esteem, health and quality of life. 
  • By disconnecting from digital distractions, attention, concentration, memory and learning levels increase, which translates into better performance. 
  • Creativity, imagination, innovation and problem-solving are also stimulated. In addition, time is optimized, tasks are prioritized and procrastination is avoided. 
  • You enjoy the present moment and shared experiences more. 

If you want to expand your knowledge about this and many other areas related to technologies, do not hesitate to follow us on the Educa.Pro blog. 

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