Team building: Let’s team build and break down tensions!

Does your company still not do team building? In this post we tell you what it is so you can start implementing it today.

Career development

The concept of team building is gaining strength in all sectors, but this is much more than an Anglicism that dresses the corporate image of all types of companies with modernity, but rather, for it to really work and be implemented with all the benefits it has, it is necessary to work on it from the roots, establishing values ​​with which the entire team feels comfortable, and then promoting them with concrete actions whose purpose is unity.

Many believe that team building, or what amounts to the same thing, the construction of a group feeling in the company, is achieved by organizing events, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, there are many other factors to attend to below and which we will point out in this post.

If you are interested in everything related to occupational health and well-being in the workplace, keep reading.  

What is team building?

The concept of team building, also known as team building, could be defined as the design of strategies aimed at strengthening relationships and cooperation among staff members, fostering communication, trust, respect, teamwork, and even friendship.

What are the objectives and benefits of team building?

  • Improve communication: facilitate interaction and understanding between team members, avoiding misunderstandings and promoting clear and effective communication.
  • Strengthen teamwork: Promote collaboration and trust among members, so they can work more efficiently and productively together.
  • Develop Leadership – Identify and develop leadership skills within the team, enabling members to effectively assume leadership roles as needed.
  • Motivate and improve commitment: create a positive and motivating environment that promotes the commitment and satisfaction of employees with their work and with the company.
  • Resolve Conflicts – Address and overcome conflicts that may arise in the team, promoting problem-solving in a constructive manner.
  • Stimulate creativity and innovation: encourage the generation of new and creative ideas, promoting innovation within the team and the company.
  • Increase performance: improve the efficiency and productivity of the team, optimizing their skills and abilities to achieve objectives more effectively.
  • Build Trust – Build an environment of trust and mutual respect, allowing members to feel safe sharing ideas and opinions.
  • Building Resilience: Building the team’s ability to adapt to change and overcome challenges in a positive and constructive way.
  • Promote group cohesion and identity: create a sense of belonging and unity among team members, which strengthens the culture and identity of the company as a whole.

What relationship does team building have with company culture?

To talk about team building, we first have to go back to the company culture, because this will be the one that lays the foundations of team building strategies and the way to implement them.

Just to remember: company culture is the set of values ​​and norms shared by all departments of an organization that define the identity and way of acting of a company and its employees. The company culture contemplates elements as essential for job satisfaction as family reconciliation, professional development plans for internal promotion, salary scalability policy, team building strategies, CSR and all those premises that define the corporation beyond its business plan and productivity data.

Why is it important to work on team building in the company?

The area of ​​human resources has evolved a lot in the last decades, and this change has been oriented towards employee satisfaction, the motivation to generate good relationships and proactivity; with which finally, it is possible to improve productivity.

However, for a company to achieve its objectives in a reasonable period of time, it is important that the entire team row in the same direction, in a coordinated manner and without there being collateral obstacles that interrupt the march; such as conflicts that may arise between employees due to lack of empathy, cordiality or assertiveness, unfair competition or lack of emotional intelligence. This is where team building tactics and all the aforementioned benefits come into play.

5 Examples of team building activities

If you want to start proposing team building activities in your company, it is best to first analyze the profile of the workers, from what point of view, the work environment that prevails in the company and its needs. The idea is that each action is fully personalized, but so that you know where to start, here are some examples of team-building activities.

  1. Cooperative Games – Indoor or outdoor activities that require team members to collaborate to overcome challenges and solve problems together, such as quizzes, puzzles, or building structures.
  • Trust Dynamics: Games designed to build trust and camaraderie among team members, such as trust exercises in pairs, where one must guide the other blindfolded.
  • Conflict resolution workshops: these are sessions led by facilitators where internal problems and disagreements are addressed and resolved, fostering constructive communication and the search for joint solutions.
  • Creative Activities: Often painting, sculpting, music, or drama workshops, where team members work together to create a piece of art or performance, fostering creativity and collaboration.
  • Sports challenges: sports competitions or relay races where teamwork is essential to achieve success, promoting cooperation, motivation and overcoming limits.

Now that you know what team building is and all the benefits it brings to the company, what are you waiting for to propose it in your company? Learn more about work environments and well-being at work with!

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