HR Business Partner: What should you know about this profession?

Learn what the HR Business Partner's day to day is, their responsibilities and the skills necessary for this profession.

Career development

If you had to name one of the most important assets of an organization, what would your answer be? We probably agree on this: Human Resources. Precisely, due to the high value of the people who work in a company, there are professional profiles and departments that are responsible for their management. In this context, the role of the HR Business Partner arises. 

The profession of the Human Resources Business Partner, which could be translated into Spanish as human resources business partner, introduces something new to this business world. And it is not directly part of the Human Resources department, but is integrated into the management of the company or in a specific sector that needs its service.  

Thus, it takes personnel administration one step further to be in charge of advising on human resources matters, and ensuring that all workers know and work according to the company’s objectives. Do you want to know more about this profession? Keep reading! 

The day-to-day of an HR Business Partner 

As part of their job, the HR Business Partner must ensure that all workers integrate into the company and work towards its strategic objectives. In their day-to-day work, the HR Business Partner must be in charge of:  

  • Collaborate closely with company leaders to understand business needs and develop human resources strategies aligned with organizational objectives. 
  • Lead initiatives to recruit, retain and develop talent within the organization, ensuring that staffing needs are met and that an inclusive work environment and professional development are promoted. 
  • Analyze market trends and future staffing needs to develop staffing plans that ensure the company has the right talent at the right time. 
  • Design and implement training and development programs to improve employee performance and promote professional growth within the organization. 

Is an HR Business Partner the same as an HR Manager? 

The answer is no. Although they share common elements, the truth is that they have different roles. Now we tell you the differences between one position and another:  

  • Approach: While the HR Business Partner has a strategic focus and works alongside the company’s senior management, the HR Manager is more operational and tactical, focusing on the implementation and execution of policies. 
  • Function: as we mentioned before, the HRBP is responsible for advising on people management and talent development. For its part, the HR Manager manages and supervises daily activities such as hiring and training. 
  • Vision: At this point, the HRBP has a global vision, identifies internal development and promotion opportunities, and understands how business dynamics can affect employees. The HR Manager takes care of payroll, employee records and other more administrative aspects

Types of HR Business Partner 

Before we explained the functions and responsibilities of the HRBP in the company. Now, taking these elements into account, two types of professional profiles can be distinguished : 

  • Generalist HRBP: this is the most common profile and, as its name indicates, it works in general areas of the company related to human resources, such as recruitment or talent development. 
  • HRBP specialist: they know the company in depth and have extensive experience in human resources. Therefore, they focus on strengthening the commercial structure, providing expert advice and promoting a good work environment. They are usually in charge of recruiting and retaining talent, and developing training programs. 

How much does an HR Business Partner earn? 

The salary of an HR Business Partner in Spain can vary considerably depending on several factors, including geographic location, company size and industry, experience and specific responsibilities of the position, among others. Approximately, the average salary of an HR Business Partner varies between 30,000 and 60,000 euros gross per year, depending on the factors mentioned above.  

Studies and skills necessary to work in this profession 

If you are passionate about the world of labour relations, then this profession may be a great fit for you. To work as an HR Business Partner you will need to have a university degree in Human Resources or associated areas that allow you to understand the principles of personnel management and organizational strategies. Additionally, having a master’s or postgraduate degree in this area will be an advantage. Regarding professional skills, the following stand out:  

  • Effective Communication: The ability to communicate clearly with colleagues, leaders and employees is essential. Verbal and written skills are crucial for an HRBP. 
  • Decision Making: HRBPs must make strategic decisions that affect the organization and its people. The ability to evaluate options and choose the best solution is essential. 
  • Empathy and active listening: Understanding employee needs and concerns requires empathy and listening skills. A good HRBP must connect with people. 
  • Change management: organizations are constantly evolving. An HRBP must adapt to change and help others do so as well. 
  • Analytical skills: Interpreting data, measuring the impact of policies and evaluating staff performance requires analytical skills. 
  • Interpersonal Relationships: Building strong relationships with leaders, employees, and teams is critical to success as an HRBP. 

Do you want to know more about efficient human resources management, the development of business strategies and the skills necessary to enhance the talent of an organization’s staff? Stay reading the Educa.Pro blog with us!

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