Do you know the new Healthy Eating Pyramid?

Learn how to improve your diet to boost your energy and productivity.

Career development

Have you ever heard something like that the brain needs sugar to function or that we should avoid carbohydrates at night? Well, these are just some of the most famous myths about nutrition that we have internalized based on popular repetition and that have no scientific basis, much less are they based on the Healthy Eating Pyramid.

As you know, food plays a fundamental role in our daily lives and its impact goes beyond satisfying hunger. If you are interested in the world of nutrition and want to learn more about how your way of eating affects your well-being and productivity, continue with us in this post.

What is the Healthy Eating Pyramid?

The Healthy Eating Pyramid is an invaluable guide to maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, which, as scientific studies and verifications have been carried out, has evolved. As the basic icon of people’s general well-being, unlike the traditional nutritional pyramid, the new pyramid adds a base of five key factors even more important than macronutrients. These are: daily physical activity, mental health, energy balance, healthy culinary techniques and the recommended daily water intake.

Of course, this does not mean that the quantities we eat of the types of foods indicated in the original nutritional pyramid do not matter, but rather that our entire diet must be in accordance with this new basis so that we can design a nutritional plan to measure and be effective.

For example: it will be useless for your diet to be balanced and healthy if you are emotionally unstable or you do not feel well emotionally. That is, diet and well-being are a compendium of variables that must be in balance.

The 8 levels of the new Healthy Eating Pyramid

As you know, the nutritional pyramid has been improved and expanded, now including foods such as water, exercise, mental health and culinary techniques. Let’s see what are the factors that make up the new pyramid.

Water, exercise, mental health and cooking techniques: are now the base of the pyramid, since hydration, exercise, mental health and the way in which cook, it is essential for the rest of the diet to meet its objectives.

Vegetables: they represent a large part of the daily diet and are found at this level due to their nutritional importance, providing vitamins, minerals and fibre.

Fruits: along with vegetables, they are essential sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Whole grains: source of complex carbohydrates and fibre, they provide sustained energy.

Lean proteins: includes foods such as fish, chicken, legumes and nuts, essential for tissue repair and construction.

Dairy or alternatives: milk, yoghurt or low-fat cheeses, or their vegetable alternatives, which provide calcium and protein.

Healthy Fats: Healthy oils, such as olive oil, nuts and seeds, needed in adequate amounts for bodily functions.

Processed foods and sugars: it is recommended to consume them to a lesser extent, as they are usually high in empty calories and low in essential nutrients.

Sugar vs proteins: Which are more important for brain function

Did you know that what we eat can directly influence our performance at work? Let’s discover how proper nutrition can be the key to reaching our maximum potential in the work environment.

As we pointed out at the beginning of the post, the idea that the brain needs sugar to work is not true, understanding sugar as chocolate, cookies, pastries, sweets, etc. Now yes, glycogen is important, that is, nutritious carbohydrates, such as fruit, nuts or foods made with whole wheat flour. All of this, containing a high percentage of fiber, will cause our brain to gradually consume the energy it needs and our body can distribute it according to its needs.

On the other hand, and equally important, if not more so, are proteins. The brain needs them to function properly and to create and maintain its structures. Proteins are essential for the formation of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that allow communication between nerve cells.

In fact, although sugar provides energy to the brain, its consumption is not the main source of fuel for its functioning, unlike proteins.

What foods are recommended to consume frequently to feel energetic and face our daily routine?

If you think that something is wrong with your diet, because you are exhausted at the end of the day, try including these foods in your diet:

  • Fresh fruits: they are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, berries and kiwis are fantastic options for quick, natural energy.
  • Green leafy vegetables: spinach, chard, kale or watercress are rich in iron, folic acid and vitamins that help maintain high energy levels.
  • Whole grains: provide complex carbohydrates that release energy gradually. Examples are oats, brown rice, quinoa and whole wheat.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, chia or pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of protein, healthy fats and minerals that provide sustained energy.
  • Lean proteins: chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and legumes are essential to maintain energy and help in tissue repair and construction.
  • Low-fat dairy: milk, Greek yoghurt or low-fat cheeses provide protein, calcium and vitamin D that help maintain energy and bone health.
  • Water: Ensuring you stay well hydrated is essential to maintaining high energy levels and optimal body function.
  • Green tea: Contains caffeine and antioxidants that can provide a boost of energy without the negative effects associated with coffee.

Exercise in the diet: A key factor in the new food pyramid

Physical exercise is essential in a balanced diet, as it not only contributes to weight control, but also improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and reduces stress. Combining a healthy diet with regular physical activity is key to a healthy lifestyle, especially for people with a sedentary job.

We hope that this post has helped you better understand how healthy nutrition works and its importance in our daily lives. Be sure to read the Educa.Pro blog for more content on professional development and improvement!

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