Communication phases: Beyond sender and receiver

In this article we discuss the elements of communication and how the phases that shape this process work.

Career development

The phases of communication are processes that we handle completely naturally in our daily routine: writing emails, participating in debates, sharing what we think, and sending voice messages. We are talking about simple actions that we often do almost automatically, without really questioning the quality of our communication.  

Are we transmitting ideas effectively? In the work context, answering this question is vital to guarantee an optimal workflow, without misunderstandings that could affect the environment in the company. Knowing what the phases of communication are and knowing who is involved will help you guarantee an effective and fluid process. 

Let’s start by knowing the elements of communication 

When thinking about the communication flow, it is necessary to identify the four key components involved in the process: 

  • Issuer: as a starting point, it is the individual or entity that creates and gives meaning to the information that you wish to transmit. Furthermore, he is the one in charge of sending the message. 
  • Message: represents the information that the sender is trying to share. It can be verbal, written, visual, by signs or a combination of several elements. Clarity and precision in message formulation are essential for effective communication. 
  • Communication channel: it is the vehicle that transports the message from the sender to the receiver. It can take various forms, from face-to-face conversations, emails, phone calls or even songs, reports or mass media. The choice of communication channel depends, to a large extent, on the audience we want to address and directly influences the effectiveness and interpretation of the message. 
  • Receiver: is the one who receives, interprets and understands the transmitted information. Feedback from the receiver closes the loop, providing the sender with insight into the effectiveness of the communication.  

Furthermore, it is necessary to highlight that during the communication phases, there may be barriers that interfere with the reception of the message. We refer to external “noises” such as for example, language differences and the use of obsolete or, on the contrary, overly sophisticated communication channels. In this sense, it is essential to consider the characteristics of the recipient and the cultural context in which they are located to develop the message and guarantee that they can decode it effectively. 

From message design to feedback: the 6 phases of communication 

Up to this point, we have explored the essence of communication and its fundamental elements. Now let’s delve into the six phases that shape this dynamic process. To do this, we are going to use a concrete example. Suppose you are going to present the marketing strategy for a new product that will go on the market to the work team. In this case, you are the sender.  

  1. Develop the idea:  think and coherently articulate what you want to say. Organize, plan, and write down all the elements that support your idea, then eliminate what could become noise during the process. At the same time, take into account those issues that cannot in any way be left out of your presentation. 
  2. Coding: the time has come to transform the conceptual idea into a clear, precise message designed according to the characteristics of your work team and the communication needs to be satisfied. Are you going to tell the strategy with images or are you going to integrate text into the presentation? Maybe you just need to explain or deliver reports with expected results. This is the time to make that decision.  
  3. Message transmission: choose the communication channel so that the message reaches your team effectively. It can be face-to-face, through an online meeting, by email or by chat. In this case, a face-to-face team meeting may be the best option. In any case, avoid places or moments that could cause discomfort during the process. Also, control the time so that you don’t bore the receivers or go too fast and lose information along the way.  
  4. Reception by the recipient: at this moment, the team receives all the elements that you have transmitted about the marketing strategy of the new product.  
  5. Decoding and interpretation of the message: once they receive the message, they must decipher the content, seeking to understand not only the words but also the implicit meaning. Accurate interpretation is essential to avoid misunderstandings and strengthen the communicative connection. It is essential that the receivers are focused on the activity and without distractions from the environment, so that the message arrives effectively.  
  6. Feedback: Effective communication is achieved when feedback reflects an accurate understanding of the original idea, thus successfully closing the loop. As an issuer, you can generate feedback with questions so that participants can comment on their opinions, offer suggestions, clarify possible doubts and propose improvements. You can also pay attention to body language during the presentation, or consider small expressions from the recipient that indicate that they are still paying attention to what you are saying.   

Now it’s your turn to put all this into practice to convey your ideas effectively. If you want to expand your knowledge about this and many other areas related to communication both in the personal and business spheres, do not hesitate to follow us on the Educa.Pro blog. 

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