Python and Excel: Discover the new functionality in Excel

If you are an Excel user, you have surely experienced its great usefulness. Now, consider the potential opened up by combining Python with Excel, this is already a reality!

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How did Python get to Excel?

Python is a programming language whose characteristics fit perfectly with the functionalities of Excel, and it is used to analyze data, create algorithms for artificial intelligence and automate processes; among other things that complement very well with the traditional features of Excel.

Python is versatile and easy to learn, which makes it a powerful tool to increase efficiency and expand the utilities of a variety of applications in programming and development, which is why this new Excel functionality has been very well received by IT departments of all types of companies.

Would you like to know more about this new technological combination? Continue reading this post!

Microsoft brings Python to Excel

Python in Excel is a new feature that allows users to write Python code directly into an Excel cell and run it in the Microsoft cloud. The feature is currently in preview and is subject to change based on feedback, although it is proposed as a solution to implement agility in many processes.

The integration of Python in Excel is achieved through tools such as PyXLL, xlwings, DataNitro (formerly IronSpread), among others, allowing you to take advantage of both worlds: the power of Python and the versatility of Excel. This is especially interesting for performing data analysis and automating business tasks.

What are the advantages of implementing Python in Excel?

The goal of implementing Python to Excel is to expand its capabilities. Look at all the advantages that this new technological union has!

Programming power: Python is a versatile and powerful language that allows you to perform advanced data analysis, complex calculations, and automation tasks with ease.

Large community and libraries: Python has a large developer community and a wide range of libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, that are ideal for data analysis and visualization.

Customization: Custom solutions can be created for your specific needs using Python, giving you greater control over your processes in Excel.

Efficient automation: Python in Excel allows you to automate repetitive tasks and processes, saving time and reducing errors.

Connectivity: Python easily integrates with databases and other systems, making it easy to import and export data to and from Excel.

Advanced Analysis: Python offers more advanced and sophisticated analysis capabilities than Excel’s native formulas and functions, allowing for deeper data analysis.

Scalability: The Python implementation in Excel is scalable and adapts to larger and more complex projects.

Reproducibility: You can create Python scripts that can be shared and executed by others, ensuring the reproducibility of your analyses.

Cross-platform compatibility: Python is compatible with different operating systems, making it easy to port your solutions.

Add-in with VBA: You can combine Python with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in Excel to take advantage of both languages ​​in a single project.

How can I use Python in Excel?

Before connecting Python with Excel, it is important to remember that the exact way to use Python in Excel may vary depending on the Add-In you choose and your specific case. We recommend that you consult the documentation for the Add-In you are using for specific details and examples on how to work with Python in Excel.

If you want to start testing this tool, below we detail the steps to follow:

  • Install Python: If you don’t already have Python installed on your computer, download the latest version from the official website ( and install it.
  • Install Excel Add-Ins: You need a tool that allows the integration of Python into Excel. Some popular options are “PyXLL” and “xlwings”. Download and install the one you prefer.
  • Connect Excel and Python
  • Open Excel
    • You should see a menu or tab related to the Add-In you installed (for example, “PyXLL” or “xlwings”).
    • Use the functions and commands provided by the Add-In to run Python code in Excel.
  • Write Python code: In Excel, you can use cells or VBA scripts to call Python functions and scripts. For example, you can type Python code in a cell preceded by the exclamation point “!” or use a function defined in Python.
  • Run the code: Once you have written your Python code in Excel, run it according to the instructions provided by the Add-In. This will allow Python to process the data in Excel.
  • Visualize the results: The results of your Python code can be displayed in Excel, and you can use Excel tools to analyze and visualize the data according to your needs.

Microsoft Cloud runs Python data

Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform that allows you to run Python scripts and process data at scale. It offers data analytics, machine learning, and cloud computing services that make it easy to execute complex tasks in Python, enabling massive data processing, building machine learning models, and deploying Python-based applications in a scalable and secure cloud environment. This gives organizations the flexibility and ability to take full advantage of Python in the Microsoft cloud.

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