Do you suffer from Digital Ego? Let’s talk about Egosurfing

Did you know that monitoring your online presence can prevent you from some cybercrimes?

News and trends

Oh, the ego! That little inner voice that sometimes inflates like a balloon and other times seems to deflate faster than a sand castle facing the waves. Who has not fallen into the temptation of taking a look at that virtual showcase that is the Internet to see if we appear somewhere or to see if something has been said about us? Don’t worry, we don’t judge you, we’ve all done it at some point, to the point that this practice already has its own name: “egosurfing”, which consists of searching for your own name in search engines like Google. It would be something like spying on your own reflection in a digital mirror, where our ego seeks to be praised or, in some cases, shaken by reality. But surprise! Curiosity can sometimes be a bit confusing.

Do you dare to investigate egosurfing in more depth with us? Keep reading!

We all appear on the internet because we all have a digital footprint

But what is this fingerprint? A digital footprint is defined as all the actions we perform on the Internet that leave a trail of data or personal information, that is, anything. When we browse different websites, the search engine collects information about our needs, interests, desires, purchasing habits or lifestyle… when we participate in social networks we show the world many aspects of our personal life, not to mention graphic documents. that we upload to our profile without any type of shame. And, of course, when we make online purchases or administrative procedures of any type, we are also leaving a digital footprint that organizations will take advantage of for their benefit. In summary: If you are not an experienced hacker who moves in the shadows of the deep web, everything you do on the Internet will leave a trace; and that’s why egosurfing is so easy.

The importance of doing egosurfing from time to time

Beyond satisfying the curiosity to know what is said about us on the internet or where we go out and moving away from the most humorous side of the matter, egosurfing is eventually important because it can prevent you from very unpleasant surprises, such as, for example, identity theft or the appearance of fake social profiles created under your image. These two examples are cybercrimes and it is important that they are detected in time to be able to report them.

What other advantages does egosurfing have often?

Online reputation management: allows you to control and monitor the information that appears about yourself on the Internet, which can help correct possible errors or misunderstandings and maintain a positive image online.

Privacy Control: By reviewing what is said about yourself online, you can identify unwanted or unauthorized personal information and take steps to protect privacy.

Track professional achievements: makes it easy to track achievements, mentions or work done, which can be useful for promoting yourself professionally or strengthening your personal brand.

Learning and feedback: allows you to obtain responses or comments about yourself, your publications or projects, which can serve as an opportunity to learn, improve and grow in specific areas.

5 Tools to search yourself on the internet efficiently

If what you want is to monitor your online personal brand image and your digital reputation, these five tools can help you control, filter and automate search results.

Google Alerts: Allows you to set up alerts with your name or specific terms to receive notifications when it is mentioned online. It is a simple way to monitor your presence on the internet.

Social Mention: This tool crawls social networks and other websites to find mentions of your name or key terms, offering detailed information about the mentions, including sentiment, reach, and more.

BrandYourself: offers a platform to manage and improve your online presence. It allows you to monitor your digital reputation, detect and resolve reputation problems, and optimize your visibility in search engines.

VIP Reputation: is a paid tool that tracks your online reputation, identifying positive and negative content associated with your name, providing guidance to improve your online presence.

BuzzSumo: If you are looking to monitor your presence on popular blogs and websites, this tool tracks content shared on social networks, showing mentions and shares of articles, blogs or sites that mention your name or brand.

We hope that this post has been useful to you to learn more about how to search for mentions and monitor the online reputation, both yours as a professional and that of any organization. Subscribe to Educa.Pro and learn more about digital marketing!

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