Reduce your digital footprint!

The digital footprint refers to the personal trace we leave when using the Internet. Discover the importance of managing it correctly!

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Currently, the Internet is one of the technologies that people around the world use every day. Therefore, incidents of cyber attacks and privacy leaks are also increasing. There are attack methods that target this fingerprint to obtain personal information and behavioral data. So it is essential to understand how to protect your digital identity

The working principle of this type of attack is to use a JavaScript script to generate fingerprints and then send them to a remote server for identification. By identifying differences in fingerprints between different browsers, attackers can obtain personal information such as operating systems, screen resolution, and users’ browsing history and behavioral data. 

But what are the main forms of tracking that we can find on the Internet that can lead to these attacks? 


Cookies are text files that websites and web applications can create and store in your browser.  

They are used in browsers on all types of devices: desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, and pretty much anything with a browser. Cookies can store information about how you use your website.  

For example, an online store might create a cookie with the items you added to your shopping cart. Any type of website could store a record of the pages you visited: your username if you have an account on their web application, the settings for the site, whether you prefer “Dark Mode” or “Light Mode”, or what city or town you are in. 

At this point, it is important to clarify that Cookies as such are not bad, but they can be. 

For example, if an online shopping website that you use your credit card with stores the number in a cookie, that is very dangerous. Cookies are not encrypted, so anyone with that cookie can obtain your information. Criminals can charge your card and impersonate your identity, all thanks to your fingerprint.

When to click on cookies 

You should only do this when you trust the website or organization and do not click “Accept” whenever it may affect the functionality of the site, that is, how it works for you. 

This is a bit like the question of whether or not you should open email attachments. Email attachments can be helpful. Or they could be malware, such as a computer virus.  

But, it all depends on trust and your judgment. 

Preventive measures 

There are several ways to protect yourself from these types of attacks and protect your digital footprint and personal data:

  • Using anti-detection browsers: Anti-detection browsers can help users hide their true browser fingerprints to protect personal privacy. For example, Clonbrowser is an anti-detection browser that can simulate a variety of different browser fingerprints, thereby deceiving remote server recognition and protecting user privacy. 
  • Use browser plugin: Browser plugins can help users block canvas fingerprinting attacks. For example, the CanvasBlocker plugin can prevent the browser from generating canvas fingerprints and prevent the browser from sending canvas fingerprint data to the remote server, thereby protecting user privacy. 
  • Use a privacy-focused browser: The browser in privacy mode can help users protect personal privacy when browsing the web. For example, Tor Browser is an open-source anonymous browser that helps users hide their real IP addresses and browser fingerprints. 
  • Regularly clear the browser cache and cookies: Clearing the browser cache and cookies can effectively prevent the theft of personal information. Users can regularly clear browser cache and cookies through browser settings or third-party tools. 

Why manage cookies and fingerprint? 

On the one hand, cookies can be used legitimately by websites to personalize the user experience, remember preferences, and improve site functionality. However, there is also a risk that data stored in cookies may be compromised by cyber attackers or malicious third parties, which could lead to serious consequences such as the theft of personal or financial information. 

This underlines the importance of users understanding how cookies work and how to manage their digital footprint securely. Trust in websites and organizations is very important, and users should be aware of the potential risks of clicking “Accept” without carefully considering the possible impacts on their privacy and security. 

It is essential to balance the convenience of cookies with the need to protect online privacy and security. Users should take proactive measures, such as using online security tools, appropriately setting browser privacy, and staying informed about cybersecurity best practices.

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