Digital storytelling: applications and benefits

Would you like to capture the attention of your audience through emotions? Start working on digital storytelling.

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What excites people the most? There is no doubt: the stories. A good story, emotional, well told, aimed at the correct target audience and well structured, never fails and always convinces. The difficulty is how to reach the heart of the audience and how to convey a strategically thought-out and constructed message. Although this can be somewhat complex, there is a way to get the right methodology right. If you also want to know what the applications and benefits of digital storytelling are, keep reading!

What is digital storytelling?

As you know, in the world of advertising and marketing, storytelling is the story that surrounds the commercial message and the culprit that many times, a spot or a commercial video manages to excite us so much that we remember it forever. When this happens, it can be considered that the campaign has been more than successful.

Added to this challenge are the new rules of the game imposed by the digital environment, but also the different opportunities that it offers, taking into account the number of channels, formats and tools to enhance the messages that exist today.

A clear example of this is social networks, which set trends in forms of digital communication and in which the best storytelling triumphs. The most important thing is to connect with your audience to achieve loyalty and engagement and, then, we are going to see how to achieve it.

What are the ingredients for creating perfect digital storytelling?

Although each brand is different and impregnates its image in its messages, there are certain characteristics that they share and that are the secret of engagement.

  • Identification of the target audience: it all starts with knowing who you are targeting. This is essential to establish the foundations of storytelling. Understanding their interests, needs and behaviors will allow you to create a story that connects emotionally with them.
  • Compelling and coherent narrative: the story must have an attractive beginning, a captivating development and a shocking outcome. Consistency in the story is essential to maintain audience interest and convey the brand message clearly.
  • Use of visual and multimedia elements: the use of images, videos, graphics, animations and other multimedia resources enrich the experience of digital storytelling. These elements can enhance emotionality and capture the audience’s attention more effectively.
  • Humanization of the brand: incorporating real characters, situations or testimonies that reflect human values ​​and genuine emotions helps create empathy and emotional connection with the audience. Showing the human side of the brand strengthens the public’s identification with it.
  • Consistency and authenticity: maintaining coherence in brand communication throughout storytelling is essential. Authenticity and transparency are key to building trust and establishing a lasting relationship with the public.
  • Call to action (CTA): including a call to action at the end of the story invites the audience to participate, share or interact with the brand, increasing the level of engagement and contributing to remembrance.
  • Adaptation to different channels and devices: storytelling must be adaptable to various digital platforms and mobile devices to reach a wide spectrum of audiences, keeping the experience consistent and attractive.

Discover the best apps to create your own digital storytelling

Imagistory: focuses on storytelling through creativity and imagination. It allows users to create stories using images and voice recordings. Users can make up stories while adding their own narration to the provided images, thus encouraging creativity and oral expression.

Toontastic: facilitates the creation of animations and narratives through the storytelling technique with animated characters. It allows users to create their own stories by selecting characters, settings and dialogue, providing an interactive and fun way to tell stories through animations.

Telestory: Allows users to record their own movies using predefined backgrounds and special effects. It offers a platform for users to act, record and edit their own stories, adding visual elements and special effects to create cinematic narratives.

Story Studio: provides tools for creating stories by combining text, images and sound. Users can create multimedia presentations, using different resources such as text, images, music and voice to create visual and auditory stories.

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