What does the sales department do and why is it important?

In this post we explain the functions of the sales department and its importance for attracting and retaining customers.

Career development

Selling is an art that requires skill and creativity. But it is also a science that is based on knowledge, planning and analysis. Therefore, behind every successful transaction, there is a sales department that works to achieve the best results.  

The sales department is one of the most important areas of any company, since it is responsible for generating income, retaining customers and expanding the business. In this post, we are going to explain everything you need to know about the functions performed by the people who work in this department and their organizational chart. Go for it! 

Functions of the sales department 

The functions of the sales department are not static nor can they be defined in a manual. They depend a lot on the type of company, and the product or service it offers. Of course, we can identify some common elements that every sales department must comply with: 

  • Design the commercial strategy and direct the sales team. You must establish sales objectives, action plans, distribution channels, prices, promotions and customer service policies.  
  • Get new clients and loyalty contracts. They are in charge of identifying and contacting potential customers, presenting them with the product or service, resolving their doubts, negotiating the conditions and closing the sales.  
  • Coordinate marketing and communication actions. To do this, they must work in collaboration with the marketing department to design and implement advertising actions and communicate the company’s value proposition to the market. 
  • Manage resources and results, that is, they must control the budget, inventories, orders, invoices, collections and payments related to commercial activity, as well as measure and analyze sales results, performance indicators, customer satisfaction and profitability. 

Sales department organization chart 

In the business world, you have surely heard about the organizational chart, that is, the hierarchical and functional structure of a team and the relationships between its members. Well, in the case of the sales department, the organizational chart can vary depending on the size, complexity and culture of the company, but it usually has a pyramidal shape, with several levels of responsibility.  

We explain it better with an example of an organization chart: 

  • The sales director is the head of the department and is in charge of defining and supervising the company’s commercial strategy. He is in charge of sales managers and communicates with general management and other departments. 
  • The sales manager manages and coordinates a sales area or region, assigning objectives, resources and tasks to the sales team. He is in charge of sales supervisors and communicates with the sales director and other managers. 
  • The sales supervisor directs and motivates a group of salespeople, controlling their activity, performance and training. He is in charge of salespeople and communicates with the sales manager and other supervisors. 
  • The salesperson is the one who contacts customers, presents the product or service, negotiates the conditions and closes the sales. He is also in charge of following up and servicing clients, as well as reporting his results to the sales supervisor. 

Importance of sales department development 

Surely you have already come to the conclusion that the development of the sales department is essential for the success and growth of the company. In any case, we share with you some of the benefits that this department provides:  

  • Sales and income increase and you can take better advantage of market opportunities, attract more customers, increase cross-selling and repeat sales, and generate more added value. 
  • More innovative, adapted and personalized products or services can be offered that satisfy the needs and expectations of customers and that stand out from the competition. 
  • It allows us to establish stronger and longer-lasting relationships with customers, based on trust, quality and satisfaction, which generate loyalty and recommendations. 
  • They are essential to attract, train and retain the best professionals in the sector, who feel motivated, recognized and aligned with the company’s vision and values. 

Ready to launch a sales department? Do you want to know more strategies to boost your company’s sales? Subscribe to Educa.Pro and discover all the news! 

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