Types of talent contextualized in the company

We all have talent for something and the best thing is that it can be oriented to the work context. Discover yours!

Career development

Talent is like personalities, each one has its own and is unique and unrepeatable. The innate ability that we all have to develop some activity is indisputable, but this does not mean that we have our future marked from the moment we are born, quite the opposite, even if the talent is there, it must be awakened and encouraged with different stimuli, such as, for example. For example, training, new goals, changes in context, travel, meeting new people… Talent is a plant that grows outside the comfort zone and that emerges when you least expect it.

In this post, we will focus on the concept of talent oriented to the world of work and the types of talents that different profiles present. Keep reading and explore your strengths with us!

What types of talent are there in companies and which one is most in demand?

In the current business landscape, the demand for talent has evolved towards specific skills. Digital transformation and globalization have driven the need for multifaceted profiles, highlighting specialists in technology and data analysis. This is why the ability to adapt, innovative thinking and intercultural skills are increasingly valued in a globalized and diverse market.

Although competition is high, professionals with skills in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and change management are in high demand, so merging your innate talent and personal skills, such as leadership or assertiveness, with technical knowledge is essential in this dynamic and diverse environment.

Let’s see below what types of talents we can find in the workplace and what area to direct them towards to get the most out of it!

Natural talent: the one that everyone has, even if we don’t know it

If we focus on the business context, oriented natural talent refers to the innate capabilities or specific skills that a person possesses and that align perfectly with the needs and demands of the business environment. These skills usually manifest themselves spontaneously and without the need for prior training, which is why they are usually highly effective in work contexts.

These are usually skills such as the ability to work in a team or lead it, having ease in problem-solving, having effective communication skills, being creative or ease in strategic thinking. This type of talent, applied to the business world, often leads to exceptional performance and contributes significantly to success in the business environment.

It is also true that, for natural talent to flow, it is necessary to have a work environment conducive to it, such as, for example: maintaining good labor relations or having motivated employees.

Obvious talent: the one that differentiates us from others and defines us

Focusing on the work environment, evident talent is that which shows the abilities, skills or abilities that are clearly perceptible and relevant in the work context. These skills are usually visible through the execution of tasks, daily interactions or concrete results in the work environment. They can manifest themselves in different forms, such as effective leadership, specific technical skills, problem-solving ability, excellent communication skills, or a remarkable ability to work as a team. This type of talent, visible in the work environment, is usually valued and recognized for its contribution to the success and efficient functioning of the company.

Potential talent: you were born for it, but you must work on it and develop it

Potential talent is that for which we are pre-designed but, to apply it correctly to specific tasks and achieve the result we want, we must practice beforehand. Contextualized in the company, it refers to latent abilities, developing capabilities or skills that, if cultivated and given the right opportunity, could contribute significantly to the work environment.

These skills are not necessarily immediately evident, but they show the potential to grow and have a positive impact on the organization. These may be emerging skills, rapid learning capabilities, adaptability to new environments, or the willingness to take on additional responsibilities. Identifying and developing this potential talent is the responsibility of HR and team leaders; and may be the key to the company’s long-term growth.

Hidden talent: we all have one, but not all of us end up discovering it

Although hidden talent is often talked about humorously, it is real, it exists and we all have one, the problem is detecting it at the moment we need it.

If we extrapolate it to the company, hidden talent refers to skills or abilities that have not been fully recognized or used in the work environment. These skills may be present in employees but have not been fully discovered or valued in the context of the organization.

A very common mistake in work teams is that there are usually too many people who have talent that does not align with their current roles or that the right circumstances have not been given to show those capabilities. Identifying and harnessing this hidden talent involves discovering and capitalizing on these unused skills, which can enrich the company’s potential and offer development opportunities for both employees and the organization as a whole.

Tips to identify the different types of talent in the work team

Sometimes, talent is not evident and you have to be very attentive to detect it. Next, we are going to give you 7 tips to detect it in time:

Active observation: Pay attention to daily activities and how people approach their tasks. Outstanding attitudes, skills, and abilities often manifest themselves in their daily actions.

Feedback: Solicit feedback from colleagues or supervisors about each individual’s outstanding strengths and abilities in the work environment.

Performance Appraisals: Reviews job performance and appraisal results to identify patterns of excellence or specific skills in employees.

Open Dialogues: Talk to employees to understand their interests, goals, and areas in which they are most comfortable or excel.

Varied Tasks and Projects: Assign diverse tasks and challenging projects to see how employees respond and excel in different areas.

Apply tests and assessments: Use talent assessment tools, skills tests, or questionnaires to identify specific skills.

Development Programs: Implement training and development programs that allow employees to explore new skills and discover their potential talents.

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