The importance of emotional intelligence in business

Don't underestimate the power of emotional intelligence - it has conquered empires and founded the most influential companies.

Career development

Are you emotionally intelligent? You may have never thought about it, but if you are reading this post, it is because something in the concept of “emotional intelligence” has caught your attention. Perhaps it is because a few years ago, the words intelligence and emotion did not go well together in the same sentence, and this, supported by unfounded prejudices about the weakness and lack of rationality of expressive or sensitive people, has generated the collective idea that feelings are exclusive of lucidity.

Well, we have come to dismantle this myth and tell you that yes, you can be empathic, sensitive and emotionally intelligent, and that, furthermore, working on these qualities will help you a lot in your professional career. Read on to find out how to apply emotional intelligence in the company!

When do we say that a person is emotionally intelligent?

Often, the fact of repressing emotions or not expressing them is confused with being emotionally intelligent, but nothing is further from the truth, repressing emotions is never a good idea, and what we must learn is to manage them for our benefit. For example, in a conflictive situation between two co-workers with different interests, the one who best expresses their opinion will be considered more assertive and resilient, respecting the opponent, but without adopting a submissive stance and always with the intention of ending up in a win-win situation . win .

However, disputes are not always resolved in a beneficial manner for both parties, and we will find ourselves with the obligation to adapt and abide by decisions. It is at this time when emotional intelligence should emerge. If we focus on the business environment, a person will be emotionally intelligent when they do not get carried away uncontrollably by their emotions, when they are able to think before acting and when they execute in pursuit of their professional objective. To do this, staying calm, working on social skills and practising active listening is essential.

Practice these 10 techniques to improve emotional intelligence in the company

Self-awareness: encourage self-assessment and take time in your routine for personal reflection. For that, carry out a self-analysis about your own emotions, strengths and areas for improvement.

Active listening: pay attention to what your peers, colleagues, clients and superiors say, showing interest and empathy towards their concerns and emotions.

Emotional Self-Control: Learn to manage your emotions effectively in challenging work situations, avoiding impulsive reactions and making more rational decisions.

Assertive communication: express your thoughts, feelings and opinions in a clear, respectful and direct way, promoting open and constructive communication in the work environment.

Empathy: Cultivates the ability to understand and share the emotions of others, acknowledging their perspectives and showing genuine interest in their needs and concerns.

Teamwork: fosters an environment of collaboration and mutual support, recognizing and valuing the contributions of each team member.

Conflict resolution: develops skills to address conflicts constructively, seeking effective solutions for all and promoting open communication to mutual understanding.

Flexibility and adaptability: learn to adapt to changes and unforeseen situations in a flexible way.

Motivation: Cultivate a positive, goal-oriented mindset by setting challenging but achievable goals, and seeking the inner motivation to achieve them.

Emotionally intelligent leadership: you cannot be a good boss without emotional intelligence in the company

Just as for the employees of a company it is very important to be emotionally intelligent, for a leader it is even more so, since it is not an easy task to make decisions, manage interests and value the work of others.

For efficient leadership management, a balance must be achieved between empathy and firmness, discipline and flexibility, and human and corporate vision. Thus, the qualities that a good boss must have related to emotional intelligence in the company are: empathy, the ability to motivate the team, self-awareness and self-criticismhumility, being self-taught, determination, securitycharisma and knowing how to activate rational thought to act objectively when faced with a crossroads in which emotional factors are also involved

In conclusion, by creating a work environment in which emotional intelligence is fostered and the growth and well-being of employees is supported, both the production and the reputation of the organization will benefit.

Are you curious to know more about the qualities that make you emotionally intelligent and how to work on them? Keep exploring the Educa.Pro blog and continue with your professional development.

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