The 7 best jobs in a top company

Discover the most sought-after and highly paid positions in all types of organisations and how to get there.

Career development

CEO, COO, CSO, CMO… if these acronyms sound like NGO names, you are not yet completely familiar with the new business environments and their structure. In this post we will talk about jobs in a top company, the new emerging opportunities that are occurring thanks to the digital revolution, and most importantly, how to access them.

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Why have so many new jobs emerged in companies lately?

Before analyzing what the best-paid jobs in a company are currently, let’s put ourselves in context. In the last decade, work environments have evolved at breakneck speed, but, really, when the change towards digital has been most accelerated, it has been during and after the pandemic. This period has forced companies and workers to catch up on technological matters and adopt new work methodologies that make it possible to make productivity more flexible, increase and automate.

The result of this transition has been the appearance of new jobs, the demand for more specialized professionals and the emergence of new trends in the field of human resources; that focus on promoting intrinsic motivation through family conciliation and internal promotion of employees.

Classification of the main jobs in a company

With globalization, many business concepts and job names have been redefined in English to internationalize and thus be understood by everyone, so this short list of jobs in a company in English that We point you out below:

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Executive director: The CEO is the person most responsible for the direction of the company. He oversees overall strategy, makes key decisions, represents the company to stakeholders, and ensures corporate objectives are achieved.

Chief Operating Officer (COO): Director of Operations: The COO is in charge of the daily management of the company’s operations. He oversees operational efficiency, production, and logistics and often reports directly to the CEO.

Chief Sales Officer (CSO): The CSO leads the sales department and focuses on revenue growth through effective sales strategies, management of sales teams, and expansion of the customer base.

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Marketing director: The CMO is responsible for the company’s marketing and advertising strategies. He directs the promotion of products or services, brand management and communication with customers.

Chief Human Resources Officer: The Chief Human Resources Officer oversees personnel management, including recruiting, talent development, labour relations, and the organization’s human resources policies.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Technology director: The CTO leads the company’s technological strategy. He oversees technology development and implementation, systems management, and technology innovation.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Financial director: The CFO is responsible for the financial management of the company. He oversees finance, accounting, financial planning, investment and risk management.

Each of these roles plays a critical role in the direction and success of an organization, addressing specific areas of responsibility to ensure its efficient operation and growth.

What is the best way to reach one of these positions?

As you know, reaching a senior position within an organization is not an easy or quick path. There is no elevator to success, but there are stairs that, if you climb them step by step, will undoubtedly lead you to your most demanding goals.

As an entity specialized in professional development and training for employees, at Educa.Pro we recommend to all those who want to continue advancing in their career, that they never stop training, updating and specializing, since new skills and a good predisposition to constant improvement, are two things that the board of directors of any company values ​​above all else.

Never forget that experience, patience and perseverance are the three basic pillars of professional success. Furthermore, if you want to continue learning about professional growth and stay up to date with all the news in the business sector, subscribe to Educa.Pro and don’t miss a thing!

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