Maximize your learning capacity with the Pomodoro study technique

The study techniques are really effective, try them and forget about spending long unproductive hours in front of books.

Career development

During intense periods of study, we all aspire to improve our academic achievements and we tend to get frustrated when we invest hours and hours in front of books without success because it is difficult for us to absorb the knowledge.

So that this does not happen to you again, in this post we want to talk to you about study techniques and, specifically, about the Pomodoro study technique, whose objective is to take advantage of brain functioning to incorporate new concepts according to our cognitive patterns.

In this publication, we will explore the operation of these methodologies, we will evaluate their effectiveness and we will focus on the Pomodoro technique, a tool applicable not only to the academic field, but also to the work environment to increase productivity. Keep reading and discover your potential!

What are study techniques and why are they so effective?

Although all strategies are designed to facilitate the understanding and retention of new concepts, preventing them from being forgotten after exams, each student has unique characteristics and needs, which is why, when considering a specific study technique, it is crucial to carry out a detailed analysis of the student profile.

Learning techniques are usually effective, although their effectiveness is subject to multiple factors, such as the inherent quality of the technique, the skill of the instructor or tutor who uses it, the motivation and dedication of the student, as well as the complexity of the topic in question. study. Some methods may be more effective than others, depending on the learning context and the individual; For example, while some people benefit more from reading and taking notes, others prefer visual learning through videos or diagrams.

However, it is important to remember that encouraging learning in the classroom is best achieved through personal motivation to learn, and in this context, techniques such as the Pomodoro study technique can be useful to improve concentration and productivity.

What is the Pomodoro study technique?

The Pomodoro technique is based on working for short periods of time, usually 25 minutes, followed by a short 5-minute break. After completing four “pomodoros” (25-minute sessions), you take a longer break of about 15-30 minutes.

The fundamental principle behind this technique is that the human brain can maintain maximum focus for shorter periods and by taking frequent breaks, mental exhaustion is avoided. This helps maintain high concentration and efficiency in study or work.

Put the Pomodoro study technique into practice!

  • Choose the task you want to perform.
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes and start working on the task.
  • When the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break.
  • After four Pomodoros, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

Get the most out of your study days, write down these tips to improve your memory!

Apart from pre-designed study methodologies, such as Pomodoro, it is important that you internalize a basic discipline that allows you to be versatile with your tasks, such as those explained below:

  • Put what you have learned into practice: although theory is important, applying it is essential for complete and lasting learning. For example, instead of rereading, doing specific exercises can be more beneficial for assimilating knowledge.
  • Schedule breaks between your study sessions: if you are one of those who concentrate intensely days before an exam, you are making a mistake. We recommend that you avoid procrastination, because the brain absorbs information better when it takes time to rest. Furthermore, when you resume studying, you will make more effort to remember what you have learned.
  • Vary the subjects you study: avoid becoming saturated with a single subject. Mixing different subjects helps to differentiate problems and find solutions more quickly, in accordance with the previous advice.
  • Face challenges without avoiding them: leaving your comfort zone is key to learning in all areas. Specialists in education and learning techniques confirm that the more difficult the academic objectives or content, the more effort it will require, but it will facilitate the integration and application of knowledge.

As you can see, starting this technique is very simple, you can start today. If you want to learn more about productivity, professional development and efficiency, be sure to read our blog, we are waiting for you with many more interesting content at Educa.Pro!

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