Life coaching: is it the same as going to psychological therapy?

Going to coaching can be key to regaining motivation and resuming projects. What are you waiting for to read this post about its benefits?

Career development

Almost realizing it, it seems that we have all agreed to assume and carry more and more self-demands and external pressures. The ambition to grow, evolve and improve. It has almost got out of hand and now we feel that the pace is too high and that perhaps we should stop to breathe or rethink the direction of life. For all of you who are at that point, we have made this post, in which we want to take a few minutes to talk about life coaching and, in the process, take a break from the routine.

What is life coaching?

In general, we always like to start the posts by putting ourselves in context and defining the term we want to delve into, and there are so many branches that are emerging in the field of professional and personal development, that it is important to know what we are talking about. we refer. However, you surely already know the term coaching, which, in short, consists of guiding, promoting and motivating a person to achieve their goals in some area of ​​their life.

Specifically, life coaching focuses on guiding individuals toward achieving specific personal and professional goals, using techniques and tools to enhance skills, identify objectives, overcome obstacles, and improve quality of life.

5 things a life coach does

The life coach expert knows how to detect where his client is in the race towards his goals and, above all, he can determine which methodologies and tools will be most effective taking into account his characteristics and personal situation. Let’s look at some of them.

Set Clear Goals: Uses the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal-setting technique to help the person define concrete, actionable goals.

Provide support: Employ active listening and empathy to understand the individual’s concerns and challenges, providing a safe space for reflection.

Encourage responsibility: Use the wheel of life technique or self-assessment questionnaires to help the person identify areas for improvement and take responsibility for their progress.

Develop skills: learn visualization techniques, role-playing or personal development exercises to enhance skills and overcome obstacles.

Offer constructive feedback: Apply the non-violent communication model and positive feedback techniques to offer constructive feedback that motivates and encourages personal growth.

What differences exist between life coaching and psychological therapy?

The main difference between psychological therapy and life coaching lies in their approaches and objectives. Attending coaching sessions can be a good option if what you are looking for is that extra motivation and organization that drives you to achieve a specific goal. However, if what you need is to treat emotional or mental problems or change behavioural patterns, addressing psychological disorders and healing processes, you will need a deeper and more scientific approach, aimed at diagnosis and treatment.

Another essential difference between life coaching and psychological therapy is that the former is based on the person’s present and future, while the latter investigates the patient’s past to close the most traumatic experiences.

What benefits can life coaching bring you?

Anyone who has never been blocked should raise their hand and, for the record, there is nothing wrong with this. The most important thing of all is to recognize that we are experiencing a situation of vital disorientation, because that is when we will take measures to get back on track. If you decide to attend coaching sessions, these are just some of the benefits and improvements that you will notice in a short time.

  • You will visualize your goals more clearly: life coaching helps you define realistic and achievable objectives, providing a defined focus towards success.
  • It will cost you less to make decisions: it facilitates effective decision-making and aligns actions with personal and professional objectives.
  • You will develop new skills: you will foster very useful skills to function in all types of areas such as communication, leadership or problem-solving.
  • You will have greater self-knowledge: coaching will allow you to better understand your psychological barriers and be more aware of your strengths and areas for improvement, thus promoting personal growth.
  • You will increase your motivation: you will boost intrinsic motivation and self-responsibility, encouraging action towards established goals.

How can you work as a life coach professionally?

If you feel prepared to provide energy and motivation to others and would like to train in coaching, you can start with the training programs in the Educa.Pro catalogue, prepared by our experts in professional development, human resources, talent and leadership. We invite you to subscribe and enjoy a wide range of specialized training offers without any limits today!

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