Is the stress of work overwhelming you? It’s time to turn on resilient mode

Discover in this post what resilience is and all the advantages it has for your daily work.

Career development

Fashions and trends are not only on the catwalks, we also find them in work environments and, although bridging the gap, because resilience at work is essential, this term has not stopped being mentioned in the world of corporatism recently.

Did you know what resilience is? Would you know how to be more resilient so that your daily routine does not become a heavy slab to carry, yes or yes? We tell you in this post.

What is resilience at work and how to promote it

Every day we face various situations, some more complicated than others, with which we feel more or less comfortable, and successfully overcoming them is in our power. This does not mean that we always get what we want, but it does mean that we know how to “take the blows” in the most rational and constructive way for us. Precisely, that is resilience, turning a setback into another experience, which adds knowledge and whose negative facet does not transcend beyond the moment. The goal of resilience is to recover from adverse situations, coming out of them stronger and wiser.

In this post we are going to talk about resilience at work , a context where we will need it especially due to the amount of interests and hierarchies that are constantly generated.

Thus, resilience at work consists of the ability of individuals and organizations to adapt and recover from adverse situations, changes, pressures and demands of the sector. In order to promote corporate resilience, it is imperative that the organization acts as the main driver of motivation and as a guide that maintains the course towards a positive approach.

For its part, the staff must forge a proactive attitude with which to fight for a common goal and face the challenges that arise. A resilient employee knows how to manage stress, stay motivated, solve problems effectively, build constructive relationships, and learn from the most difficult experiences.   

Why is resilience at work so important?

If you have ever felt overwhelmed, stressed or anxious at work, you think that you easily lose your calm in moments of tension or you feel that your work is not well valued by your bosses or other colleagues, try to be more resilient. This will help you to learn from all adversities, to think more rationally , to feel better and, therefore, to improve in all aspects of your working life.

In addition, resilience at work is essential for these reasons:

  • You will adapt better to changes : in the work environment, changes are constant and resilience allows workers and organizations to perceive change with greater flexibility and positivity. This will allow you to maintain performance and productivity.
  • You will handle stress spikes better : We have all experienced stress spikes at work at some time, and if you manage to be resilient in these situations, you will overcome these spells in a healthy way.
  • It will be easier for you to overcome obstacles : in the course of your professional career, different types of adversities may arise. Resilience gives workers the ability to face them with determination, security, perseverance and creativity.
  • You will achieve personal and professional goals : Resilience promotes personal and professional growth and development.
  • Emotional well-being : by being resilient at work, you will be able to feel better emotionally and that will maintain a balanced mentality that will prevent exhaustion, anxiety and depression; while promoting a healthier work environment.

What to do to improve your resilience at work? First, jot down these ten steps

Resilient people have a flexible mindset, they are able to adapt to change and find creative solutions to problems, but like everything else, you learn and train. No one is born resilient, but everyone can become so with practice and patience.

Here are 10 tips to get you started putting your resilient skills into action at work today.

Cultivate a positive mindset – Focus on what you can control and look for learning opportunities in challenges.

Set realistic goals – Define achievable goals and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.

Maintain a supportive social network – Seek support from colleagues, mentors, or friends at work to share experiences and receive constructive feedback.

Take care of your physical and mental well-being : Prioritize self-care, such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and practicing relaxation techniques.

Practice problem solving – Focus on finding solutions instead of focusing on the problems themselves.

Learn to manage stress – Identify stress management techniques that work for you, such as meditation, deep breathing, or physical activity.

Look for growth opportunities : participate in training programs, look for new responsibilities or challenges that help you develop professionally.

Maintain effective communication : express your needs, concerns and opinions assertively and seek collaborative solutions.

Develop emotional intelligence skills : learn to recognize and manage your emotions, as well as those of others, to maintain positive and constructive relationships.

Find meaning in your work: connect with the purpose of your work and seek satisfaction in the achievements and contributions you make in your work.

We hope you liked this post about resilience and how to practice it at work. At Educa.Pro we want to bring you closer to the latest in the world of work, its trends and all the news that can help you guide your professional career in exactly the direction you want. Stay and discuss with us the most interesting topics for today’s professionals.

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