How to make your brand image attractive and solid

Even if your company is already consolidated, never stop working and investing in your brand image. We explain why.

Career development

Have you ever hesitated between buying two identical products? Finally, what made you choose one of them? Think about it, surely it wasn’t just the price… Perhaps the feeling of security and transparency that its website has given you, its original design, its concise and clear messages on social networks…? All of this says much more than the price and requires constant work to build the brand’s image.  

If you are interested in everything related to branding and the generation of brand values ​​to extrapolate them to all aspects of the company: Keep reading!

Introduction to creating a brand image: Why is it so important?

Generating a consolidated, strong and well-defined brand is essential to reach the target audience that you have previously defined and with the characteristics that interest you most.

But what makes the brand image so essential? This is the perception that consumers have of a brand. It goes beyond the logo and is built through customer experience, marketing messages, product quality and other elements. That is why it is so crucial to work on brand image because it directly influences consumer preference and loyalty.

A strong, positive brand image creates trust, distinguishes the brand from the competition, and can motivate customers to choose and recommend the brand. Additionally, a good brand image can facilitate the introduction of new products and contribute to the long-term success of the company.

Is brand image the same as brand identity?

The short answer would be no, they are not the same, but let’s explain the difference between these two concepts that are often confused. While brand identity is the controlled and planned version of how the brand wants to be seen, brand image is the real and lived perception of consumers and both are fundamental to building and maintaining a successful brand.

Brand image is how consumers perceive and experience the brand. It is the emotional and cognitive response they have towards the brand’s products, services and messages. However, not everything is random. The brand image is worked on through brand identity, marketing actions, company policies and the quality of the products or services offered, being formed through the consumer’s interaction with all these aspects over time.

On the other hand, brand identity refers to how the brand sees itself, how it wants to be perceived and the visual and verbal elements it uses to represent itself. It includes aspects such as the logo, corporate colours, tone of voice, brand values ​​and mission. The identity is under the control of the company and great efforts must be put into it so that the image is as close to the values ​​that it wants to transmit.

How to extrapolate the brand image and brand identity to the company’s social networks?

Currently, there is a maxim for any company that wants to be successful and have a long professional career, and that is that they must have a presence on the internet, especially on social networks. These are an essential channel of efficient and direct communication with users, in addition to a perfect opportunity to perform active listening and impact with advertising campaigns. However, for any social media strategy to be successful, you will first have to work on the brand image on these channels. Let’s see how to establish our image in company profiles step by step!

  • Define brand identity: establishes the visual identity (logo, colours, fonts) and verbal identity (tone of voice, key messages) of the company.
  • Select platforms: Identify online platforms relevant to your industry and target audience (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
  • Create consistent profiles: Use the same username, logo, and description across platforms to maintain brand consistency.
  • Optimize Profiles: Complete all profile fields, including detailed company information, website links, and contact details.
  • Use brand visuals: Upload the logo in high resolution and use brand colours and visuals consistently.
  • Develop engaging visual content: ​​Share images and graphics that reflect the brand identity. Make sure the images are high quality.
  • Define content strategy: plan what type of content you will share and how often. Make sure the content is aligned with the brand identity and values.
  • Interact with the audience: Respond to comments and messages in a professional manner and participate in relevant industry conversations.
  • Post Content Regularly: Maintain an active presence by regularly posting interesting and valuable content to your audience.
  • Monitor analytics: Use analytics tools provided by the platforms to evaluate the performance of your profiles and adjust your strategy based on the results.
  • Request testimonials and reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave testimonials and reviews on your profiles, strengthening your brand reputation.
  • Promote Profiles: Include links to your profiles on your website, emails, and other marketing channels.

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